proudly announces our first film distribution:
Unified Struggle
Please click on the WELCOME tab above
to Rent or Purchase the film!
proudly announces our first film distribution:
Unified Struggle
Please click on the WELCOME tab above
to Rent or Purchase the film!
I am Christy X, sometimes Christy Nc17, Anti-Racist Filmmaker [beyond the scope of social justice], granny and, community builder [accomplice]. By the age of four, I knew that film was my passion, and at 36, I was driven to finally pursue my dream. As a single parent, I successfully completed my AAS degree through the Seattle Central Community College Film and Video program in June of 2011. My desire to capture the raw beauty of reality drew me into filmmaking, heart first. My process is straightforward and simple, it begins with a passionate and well planned idea, supported by countless hours of research, and the perseverance and guts to seek out all the right contacts, staffing the project with a top notch crew and scheduling the entire film in pre-production. But most importantly: I uncover the heartbeat and pulse that lives in the body of each story. My life experience inspires me to tackle controversial issues, support marginalized groups, and showcase challenging topics with integrity and truth. The combination of my creativity, self-motivation, compassion, and technical skills enhance my unique style of filmmaking. When creating a film, I stay true to my vision, and focus on the bigger picture. I am firmly rooted in my ideas and concepts, from the beginning of the script writing process, until the very end, when we add the finishing touches during editing.
A special Thank you to all the community organizers, collaborators, attendees & comrades:
The 2019 Seattle Anarchist Book fair/WTO 20th Anniversary panel
was a smash hit!
Flip the Script: Film History, Deconstruction, and Production Workshop
Date: Sunday December 1st
Location: Vera Project
Time: 10:30 am
FREE to the public
Topics covered;
1. A historical deconstruction of Hollywood's white supremacist roots
2. Principles and best praxis of media ethics
3. How to produce independent social justice films on a dime
4. Components of an anti-racist/anti-fascist story
5. Anti-gentrification/anti-slumlord documentary filmmaking
Please click on either poster below for more details;
Thank you No CARA/ROAR organizers!
My workshop "Flip the Script" was presented at the 3rd Annual
Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism [ROAR] Conference on; Saturday May 19th at 12:00 noon at CIIS - ROOM 308/San Francisco, CA
Topics covered;
1. A historical deconstruction of Hollywood’s white supremacist roots [based on the development/gentrification of the town leading to up to the present day film industry]
2. Principles and best praxis of media ethics [a refusal or rejection of film based exploitation]
3. How to produce independent social justice films on a dime; This context supports all three phases of film production [including pre-production, production and post- production work]
4. Components of an anti-racist/anti-fascist story [sequence or scene in 3-easy parts]
5. Anti-gentrification filmmaking/Components of an anti-slumlord documentary including; a deconstruction of the eviction process in Seattle, WA and How to document & construct an anti-slumlord documentary film
NEW! 2.27.19 Thank you Journalist Melissa Hellman of the Seattle Weekly for writing the article;
"Does Mary's Place Work With Known Slumlords?" regarding my families eviction in Seattle, WA. My story encompasses the capitalistic and long standing ties to the; Non-Profit Industrial complex [Mary's Place] and their business partnership with well documented slum lord [Alan Hua]. If unethical and exploitative business practices remain intact and unchallenged, families like mine will be forced into perpetual houselessness/homelessness. Important note; Mary's Place receives fiscal, networking and food donations through Amazon.
Please read and share this article listed below [click on the picture below]. Housing IS A HUMAN RIGHT!
2.27.19 GOFUND ME LINK to support my families housing is listed below.
Please donate and share [click on picture below].
UPDATE: as of my 47th birthday [11.9.19] we have raised our permanent housing goal!
Any additional donations will be used to support our current [post eviction] doubled monthly rent.
A heartfelt thank you; to our community networks, Comrades and Loved Ones for supporting us through our eviction!
for hosting my film workshop;
A deconstruction of Anti-Racist VS. Non-Racist [main stream media imagery], a white supremacist Hollywood “tell all” featuring; a praxis of media ethics and; How to produce independent social justice films [with a focus on anti-racist & anti-fascist storytelling] on a dime.
This film course covers; the white supremacist roots of tinsel town and the film industry that built global racist and fascist media platforms, a comparison of anti-racist VS non-racist main stream images, a best praxis of media ethics and the fundamental components of; film production. This filmmaking crash course provides practical production techniques in three parts; pre-production, production and post-production with a unique emphasis on anti-racist/anti-fascist storytelling broken down in three parts.
NEW! Thank you Northwest Film Forum for the
2018 & 2017
Citizen Minutes/Video Activism Teen Camp!
My curriculum;
Anti-racist film work & Media Ethics partnered with Education & Artist Services Manager Jonah Kozlowki's technical expertise made for 3 fantastic weeks filled with teen inspired social justice film work.
Please check out their films below.
Love and Gratitude to the Abourezk Family for their creativity, friendship & support!
[picture of; christyx, Mato Abourezk & Jonah Kozlowksi provided by; IIyani Abourezk]
URGENT READ! Thank you to journalist Ana Sofia Knauf of The Stranger for writing;
"Bellevue College Students Discover Neo-Nazi Posters on Campus, Demand Administrative Action".
Please click above, read and share.
White nationalist campaigns target & spread throughout the U.S.
Bellevue College [in Washington State]
is one of several local colleges targeted by
campus wide Neo-Nazi postering [recruitment]
Special thanks to social justice journalist & comrade Atoosa Moinzedah.
Revolutionary Organizing Against
Racism conference
What an honor teaching my;
Anti-Racist, Media Ethics & Production
workshop on;
April 29th @2pm at the
California Institute of Integral Studies in San Franciso,CA.
GuerrillaFilms, LLC. Fans,
Thank you for your support.
Robert Patterson [and his wife Carmen] were featured in my award winning short documentary Walking with Heroes [2012]
During the early morning of 12/20/16 Robert unexpectedly passed away while homeless.
With your support Robert's cremation and memorial service
celebrated Robert's life on Saturday, February 11th in Seattle, WA.
Robert's Seahawk inspired Tailgate memorial was filled with family and friends from Robert's hometown of Aberdeen, Washington. Stories, photos, laughter and tears were shared by all. Robert would have enjoyed the sports theme and family gathering.
Robert's widow Carmen is still homeless while temporarily staying with family during her time of grieving.
Can you help? Please click on picture of the Patterson Family below:
NEW! Thank you 91.3 KBCS and Seattle Social Justice Film Festival for featuring
Local Treasure on the air waves! Please click here to listen to the October 2016 broadcast:)
Thank you
Local Treasure
Local Treasure
Thank you
for screening
Local Treasure
for screening
Local Treasure
ESC Promo film 2015
Click on the kids below
Thank you [2015] 18th annual LOCAL SIGHTINGS FILM FESTIVAL for screening Local Treasure
Congratulations to Kylmyys for their 2nd nomination
for Best Original Score!

Thank You
the sneak peak screening of Local Treasure!
Thank you
Environmental Science Center in Burien, WA for screening:
Local Treasure in July & August 2015!
To watch the entire film click the film title below:
Environmental Science Center in Burien, WA for screening:
Local Treasure in July & August 2015!
To watch the entire film click the film title below:
Watch the trailer for : Local Treasure!
click bellow:
Thank you Rainier Beach High School
for allowing me to host workshop[s] on;
Producing Social Justice Documentaries 101 [2015] AND [A crash course on]
How to produce Indy/Guerrilla style social justice films and why
#oscarstayssowhiteandboring [2016]
It was a joyous celebration of our Youth and their skills!
Such an honor to be there! Cheers to Building Leaders of Change [BLOC]
Rainier Beach High School
1st annual - [and 2nd!]
BLOC Party
"See Me -
My Life Matters"
on 1/22/15 & 3/24/16
for allowing me to host workshop[s] on;
Producing Social Justice Documentaries 101 [2015] AND [A crash course on]
How to produce Indy/Guerrilla style social justice films and why
#oscarstayssowhiteandboring [2016]
It was a joyous celebration of our Youth and their skills!
Such an honor to be there! Cheers to Building Leaders of Change [BLOC]
Rainier Beach High School
1st annual - [and 2nd!]
BLOC Party
"See Me -
My Life Matters"
on 1/22/15 & 3/24/16
for hosting my workshop during The 1st Ever STIFF EDUCATES Program on:
How to Produce Socially Conscious Documentary Films
Gratitude and Appreciation for this opportunity!
Thank you
UW School of Social Work for screening
Unified Struggle
Gratitude & Appreciation!
Flyer created by: Kayla Valy
UW School of Social Work for screening
Unified Struggle
Gratitude & Appreciation!
Flyer created by: Kayla Valy
Unified Struggle screened at the
2014 Seattle Social Justice Film Festival!
A giant heartfelt thank you goes out to the entire SSJFF Team!
Love & Appreciation!

THANK YOU to the
Seattle Globalist &
Social Justice Journalist:
Atoosa Moinzadeh
for the brilliant 4/23/14 article regarding Unified Struggle
Please click to read & share the link!
Unified Struggle trailer:
Unified Struggle screened at the [2014] 10th annual:
Guerrilla Films Loves STIFF!
Guerrilla Films Loves STIFF!
Walking with Heroes, The West Seattle Helpline
[a sneak-before-the-festivals peek of] Unified Struggle screened at:
[2014] Bayview Retirement Homes 1st annual FILM FESTIVAL
Thank you HUB at Bayview!
Love and Appreciation
[a sneak-before-the-festivals peek of] Unified Struggle screened at:
[2014] Bayview Retirement Homes 1st annual FILM FESTIVAL
Thank you HUB at Bayview!
Love and Appreciation
Thank you Black Dog Arts Coalition for screening:
Walking with Heroes, Swaneagle's Creative people of conscience & The West Seattle Helpline film@ The 2014 FLASH FILM FESTIVAL!
Click the poster to check out their website!
Both Walking with Heroes & The West Seattle Helpline were awarded:
Judge's Choice awards and Swaneagle's Creative people of conscience was awarded;
an honorable mention!
Gratitude to the entire team who put together such an amazing film festival!

Unified Struggle screened during the University of Washington's School of Law, Diversity week - On Tuesday, 2/25@Wiliam H. Gates Hall - Thank you to UW Law Dept, Bill Covington and Angelica for hosting such a marvelous event! With Gratitude: Writer, Producer and Director, Christy x.
Film poster designed by: William Pierce Films
The West Seattle Helpline

Over 400,000 people have been deported under the Obama administration, these unheard and undocumented voices of men, women and children, are being swept away by a corrupt system supported by prisons and failed policies. This is a unique story about motherhood, justice, deportation and activism.
Poster created by: William Pierce Films.

Short documentary film;
Unified Struggle
screened in partnership with Freshest Roots@Langston Hughes [2013]
Gratitude for such an inspiring night of Revolutionary poetry, music and film! Thank you: Langston Hughes, Freshest Roots, Emcee Call and ALL the performers who made this community event so special!
Guerrilla Films, LLC. is currently working on self distribution for this short documentary film. Please stay tuned for future screening events!
Walking with Heroes screened at the
2nd annual [2013] SEATTLE SOCIAL JUSTICE
Gratitude to all who attended!
Walking with Heroes featured at the
16th annual Northwest Film Forum LOCAL SIGHTINGS FILM FESTIVAL
Congratulations to our Film Composer David Hrivnak on his nomination for Best Original score!
Creative people of conscience - February 2013
Swaneagle 2013 from christy x - Nc17 on Vimeo.
Thank you Washington State Studio Network (WSSN)
(in partnership with The BELLINGHAM FILM FESTIVAL) for the theater distribution of;
Walking with Heroes

Thank you Washington State Studio Network (WSSN) (in partnership with The BELLINGHAM FILM FESTIVAL) for distributing: Walking with Heroes! We screened on:
Friday July 26th, @
The Black Box Theatre
Sunday July 28th, @
The Pickford Film Center.
It was a fabulous event and an honor to be chosen! Thank you for having us!

Thank you LOGOS for screening Walking with Heroes on 2/8/13!! Partnering with the revolutionary and creative folks of LOGOS was truly an honor! It was an evening filled with amazing beats, fierce poetry, kick ass people, and delicious food & drinks. All ages and always a good time! Check the LOGOS Facebook page for up coming shows!
Walking with Heroes - November 2012 [Directors cut]
The Journey of MOMs Plus screened at the
Central Cinema
1411 21st Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Thank you Team Guerrilla Films, LLC. and STIFF for such an amazing night!
My first documentary short Rescue premiered at the
Rescue Full length (Directors cut) |
Rescue (Fundraising cut) |